Bas Kaligis / Friday, October 4, 2019 / Categories: DKM Results of the German Kart Championship final in Ampfing This weekend, the last decisions in the German Kart Championship are going to be made on the Schweppermannring in Ampfing. 188 drivers from more than 20 nations are going to start in the five DMSB grade series, among them three current Kart World Champions. It hasn’t been this exciting in a while: All decisions are still to be made in all classes. The 1.063m long track in Upper Bavaria has been a solid part of the German Kart Championship for a long time, but there is still going to be a premiere this time – for the first time, the 1st Kart Club Munich e.V. in the ADAC is going to host a race in the highest German kart racing series. Who was the fastest today? Look at the results of your favourite class. Results DKM Results DJKM Results DSKM Results DSKC Results DEKM Time table Entry list Previous Article Live timing of the German Kart Championship final in Ampfing Next Article Livestream of the German Kart Championship final in Ampfing Print 7727 Rate this article: 4.7 Tags: AmpfingDKMLorenzo TravisanuttoDJKMDSKMDSKCGerman Kart ChampionshipHarry ThompsonThomas Ten BrinkeEmilien DennerRobert de HaanSenna Van WalstijnDEKMDMSBChristian HoValentino FritschDavids TrefilovsSchweppermannringKart World Champions Comments Please login or register to post comments.