WKA 2023 Regulations Update Posted to Daytona Pages of Website

Published on Monday, October 3, 2022

WKA 2023 Regulations Update Posted to Daytona Pages of Website

WKA announces changes to ensure teams and competitors can prepare for Daytona

October 3, 2022 – As it is with many series, the off-season brings a time of change, planning for the future, and a new set of rules. With the downtime so short in the karting community, the World Karting Association (WKA) has completed its first-ever digital tech manual that will soon be posted on the WKA website for members' reference. With the first event of 2023 less than three months, away WKA wanted to make the new rule book available to teams and competitors with ample time before the first event.
"Our Committees and our Board of Trustees go to great lengths to ensure our regulations are well thought out and more importantly, make sense for the racers,” explained WKA President Kevin Williams. “The best thing WKA can do is open more doors for racers to compete, and we are excited these changes will encourage more participation."
Three of the biggest rule changes for competitors to note are the following:

WKA has added a pair of Superkart Only National Championship Classes to their Road Race program.

  • Division 1 - Twins and Super Singles
  • Division 2 - Honda (Moto), Rotax, and 450's
  • Superkarts are still eligible to participate in the Unlimited Class


The WKA Gold Cup CIK Chassis Regulations will emulate the WKA Manufacturers Cup Regulations

  • WKA is enhancing the new Gold Cup format to use all CIK-approved chassis in 2023. This will allow a greater crossover of competitors between WKA Manufacturers Cup and the WKA Gold Cup


WKA will allow Stock Honda Cylinder Replating

  • Asked for by the racer, the new rule allows for the competitor to continue to participate when previously restricted


With the new WKA digital rule book set to launch in the coming weeks, the three rule changes stated above will be able to be seen in their entirety along with a host of smaller and less impacting adjustments.
For more information on the World Karting Association, please contact Mike Tetreault at Mike@worldkarting.com or by phone to 609.326.3741.


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