Vega is going to stay tire partner of the DKM in 2019.  All five grade series are going to start with the Italian manufacturer’s tires.

Published on Thursday, December 6, 2018

Vega is going to stay tire partner of the DKM in 2019. All five grade series are going to start with the Italian manufacturer’s tires.

Frankfurt on the Main. Italian tire manufacturer Vega is going to stay the sole supplier of the five grade series of the German Kart Championship in the 2019 season as well. Thereby, the DKM is going to continue the successful cooperation of the past years.

After the season finale in Genk, the DKM organizers received completely positive feedback for their choice of Vega as the tire distributor for all five grade series again. Next year, the DMSB and Vega are going to continue their long-term cooperation.

The tire mixtures for the classes are going to stay the same according to the CIK-FIA-specifications. The DKM (OK) is going to start with the standardized tires Vega XP Prime, the DSKM (KZ2) and the DSKC (KZ2) are going to start with the standardized tires Vega XM Prime, the juniors of the DJKM (OK-Junior) are going to start with the standardized tires Vega XH2 Option. In the German Electric Kart Championship (DEKM), Vega XH2 Option tires are also going to be used. In rain, all five classes of the German Kart Championship are going to start with the standardized tires Vega W5 Rain.

The kick-off to the 2019 season is going to take place in the middle of April in Lonato (Italy). After that, the participants are going to continue on the German tracks in Wackersdorf and Kerpen and are then going to travel abroad for the second time, to Genk in Belgium. The big final is then going to take place at the beginning of October on the Schweppermannring in Ampfing.

Racing calendar DKM 2019:
April 12th – 14th 2019 – Lonato (ITA)
May 10th – 12th 2019 – Wackersdorf
July 12th – 14th 2019 – Kerpen
August 2nd – 4th 2019 – Genk (BEL)
October 4th – 6th 2019 – Kerpen

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