The moment has come of the grand finale of the WSK Euro Series at the South Garda Karting Circuit where the double finals of Round 2 and Round 3 will crown the winners of the championships organized by WSK Promotion for the International categories KZ2, OK, OKJ and MINI. The classification of Round 2 of OK and OKJ will also name the Italian ACI Sport OK and OKJ champion.
A total of 88 races in the double event of WSK Euro Series.
After the intense qualifying sessions earlier in the week, a total of 80 heats and prefinals valid for Round 2 and Round 3 kept drivers busy in this closer of WSK Euro Series. A total of eight finals are still ahead on Sunday, September 20th to complete the event in Live Streaming from 10.30. This very long appointment with the WSK Euro Series in Lonato enjoyed the presence of 226 drivers representing 34 countries out of the 240 entered drivers.
The protagonists of Prefinals.
For all the protagonist of this event, the double Prefinals are the last hurdle they have been facing on Saturday – 8 Prefinals for Round 2 and 8 for Round 3, as all the categories run Prefinal A and Prefinal B. The result of each Prefinal added some points to the classifications defined by the heats in Lonato and the results at the opener in Sarno last July 12th. The top 17 drivers of each Prefinal will qualify for the finals of KZ2, OK, OKJ and MINI on Sunday. The winners of the Prefinals on Saturday follow:

OKJ Prefinal A: 1. Ugo Ugochukwu (Sauber Karting Team/KR-Iame-Vega); 2. Alfio Andrea Spina (Tony Kart Racing Team/Tony Kart-Vortex-Vega).
OKJ Prefinal B: 1. Brando Badoer (KR Motorsport/KA-Iame-Vega); 2. Harley Keeble (Tony Kart Racing Team/Tony Kart-Vortex-Vega).
OK Prefinal A: 1. Joe Turney (Tony Kart Racing Team/Tony Kart-Vortex-LeCont); 2. Maya Weug (BirelART-BirelART-TM Racing-LeCont).
OK Prefinal B: 1. Andrea Kimi Antonelli (KR Motorsport/KR-Iame-LeCont); 2. Charlie Wurz (Exprit Racing/Exprit-Vortex-LeCont).
MINI Prefinal A: 1. Kai Sorensen (Parolin Racing Kart/Parolin-TM Racing-Vega); 2. Cristian Costoya Sanabria (CRG/CRG-TM Racing-Vega).
MINI Prefinal B: 1. René Lammers (Baby Race/Parolin-Iame-Vega); 2. Marcus Saeter (Revolution Motorsport/Energy-TM Racing-Vega).
KZ2 Prefinal A: 1. Riccardo Longhi (BirelART/BirelART-TM Racing-Vega); 2. Giuseppe Palomba (BirelART/BirelART-TM Racing-Vega).
KZ2 Prefinal B: Marijn Kremers (BirelART/Ricciardo-TM Racing); 2. Mirko Torsellini (KR Motorsport/KR-Iame-Vega).

OKJ Prefinal A: 1. Igor Cepil (KR Motorsport/KR-Iame-Vega); 2. Rafael Modonese (Leclerc by Lennox/BirelART-TM Racing-Vega).
OKJ Prefinal B: 1. Arvid Lindblad (KR Motorsport/KR-Iame); 2. Maxwell Oliver Doods (Parolin Racing Kart/Parolin-TM Racing-Vega).
OK Prefinal A: 1. Andrea Kimi Antonelli (KR Motorsport/KR-Iame); 2. Joe Turney (Tony Kart Racing Team/Tony Kart-Vortex).
OK Prefinal B: 1. Juho Michael Valtanen (Pantano Team/KR-Iame-LeCont); 2. Luigi Coluccio (Kosmic Racing/Kosmic-Vortex-LeCont).
MINI PrefinaleA: 1. René Lammers (Baby Race/Parolin-Iame-Vega); 2. Kai Sorensen (Parolin Racing Kart/Parolin-TM Racing-Vega).
MINI Prefinal B: 1. Antonio Apicella (Team Driver/KR-Iame-Vega); 2. Mark Kastelic (Team Driver/KR-Iame-Vega.
KZ2 Prefinal A: 1. Mirko Torsellini (KR Motorsport/KR-Iame-Vega); 2. Giuseppe Palomba (BirelART/BirelART-TM Racing-Vega).
KZ2 Prefinal B: 1. Alex Irlando (BirelART/BirelART-TM Racing-Vega); 2. Bas Lammers (Sodikart/Sodikart-TM Racing-Vega).

The provisional classifications after the Prefinals held on Saturday, September 19th:
OKJ Championship: 1. Cepil punti 176; 2. Spina 172; 3. Taponen 123; 4. Badoer 123; 5. Lindblad 113; 6. Slater 100; 7. Doods 88; 8. Ugochukwu 87.
OK Championship: 1. Valtanen punti 191; 2. Antonelli 189; 3. Gray 151; 4. Turney 131; 5. Coluccio 91; 6. Camara 87; 7. Bedrin 85; 8. Wharton 74.
MINI Championship: 1. Nakamura punti 168; 2. Lammers 165; 3. Przyrowsky 151; 4. Costoya 146; 5. Sorensen 133; 6. Kastelic 102; 7. Saeter 96; 8. Apicella 90.
KZ2 Championship: 1. Longhi 187; 2. Palomba 172; 3. Irlando 120; 4. Torsellini 116; 5. Camplese 84; 6. Iglesias 83; 7. Albanese 76; 8. Renaudin 69.
The program
Sunday 20th: live streaming from 10.30 of the Finals of Round 2; from 14.00 Finals of Round 3.
Round 2: KZ2 at 10.30; OK at 11.00; OKJ at 11.30; MINI at 12.00.
Round 3 KZ2 at 14.00; OK at 14.30; OKJ at 15.00; MINI at 15.30.