Online-registration for the DKM starts on Sunday. Five races in Germany, Belgium and Italy.

Published on Thursday, January 3, 2019

Online-registration for the DKM starts on Sunday. Five races in Germany, Belgium and Italy.

Frankfurt on the Main. On January 6th at 8 a.m., the kick-off to the 2019 season is going to take place due to the start of the online-registration for the German Kart Championship. Interested drivers can register for the four grade series DKM (OK), DJKM (OK-Junior), DSKM (KZ2) and DSKC (KZ2) on the website The racing calendar again consists of five races spread over Germany, Belgium and Italy.

The German Kart Championship already presented the racing calendar for the year 2019 at the beginning of November. The highest German kart racing series again has a strong program, just like in the past years. The first track is the South Garda Circuit in Lonato. From April 12th-14th, the DKM is going to take place on the 1.200m long race track, which is also going to be the location for the Shifterkart World Championship this year. After the race in Italy, things are going to continue in Germany. In the middle of May (10th-12th), the races are going to take place at the Prokart Raceland Wackersdorf. Two months later, things are going to continue from July 12th-14th on the traditional track in Kerpen.

The 1.360m long track in Genk is going to be a part of the DKM again as well. The international top track is going to host the kart racing series of the German Motorsports Foundation (DMSB) from August 2nd-4th and could already be the location for the first title decisions. The final championship cups are going to be dealt out in October (4th-6th) in Ampfing. The Schweppermannring is the final track of the DKM this year.

The DKM aims for continuity regarding the regulations: All classes are going to start with Vega tires again. Additionally, the DKM is providing extensive race-control and 16 hours of live images every racing weekend as well as an extensive sponsoring program again.

The online-registration for the 2019 season is going to start on January 6th at 8a.m. on the DKM-website Everyone who submits their complete registration until the 1st of March 2019, has to pay a participation fee of 2.600€ for the complete DKM, DJKM and DSKM season; only 2.300€ have to be paid for the DSKC. Registrations entered after the 1st of March have to pay a default fine of 400€ per DMSB-grade series. The environment- and waste disposal-fee is already included in the participation fee.

Lots of information regarding the DKM can be accessed by visitors of the international kart exhibiton taking place January 26th-27th 2019 in Offenbach on the Main. The German Motorsports Foundation (DMSB) is going to present itself to the audience in hall A1 – stall 14. 

The German Electric Kart Championship (DEKM) is also going to take place within the framework of the DKM again. The first pure Electric Kart Championship last year marked a milestone in the development of kart racing towards more sustainability and innovation. The registration can be done separately on

Racing calender DKM 2019:
April 12th – 14th 2019 – Lonato (ITA)
May 10th – 12th 2019 – Wackersdorf (GER)
July 12th – 14th 2019 – Kerpen (GER)
August 2nd – 4th 2019 – Genk (BEL)
October 4th – 6th 2019 – Ampfing (GER)

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