LINE-UP 2019 Tony Kart Racing Team: 16 drivers line-up among Mini, OKJ, OK and KZ categories

Published on Thursday, January 24, 2019

LINE-UP 2019 Tony Kart Racing Team: 16 drivers line-up among Mini, OKJ, OK and KZ categories

The Tony Kart Racing Team is ready to get back in action in the most competitive karting series (FIA Karting & WSK) for 2019 season, with sixteen drivers line-up among Mini, OKJ, OK and KZ categories. A season that as usual, is composed by WSK and FIA Karting competitions, which we will be represented by sixteen drivers. Some of them are a newcomers in Tony Kart’s family while others are popular faces for the Tony Kart Racing Team in this world.

In the shifting gears category, KZ, the team will be led again by the three-times world champion, Marco Ardigò. Two more Italians Matteo Viganò and Alessio Picciniwill also race in KZ, together with experimented Finn driver Simo Puhakka who completes the team.
In the OK category, Colombian Sebastian Montoya, son of former Monaco and Indy 500 race winner, Juan Pablo Montoya, continues in the team but this time in a higher class. At his side, Rasmus Joutsimies, Sami Meguetounif, Li Mingyang and Matheus Morgatto complete the team.
In the OKJ category, we find Russian Nikita Bedrin and Spanish Josep Maria Martí who both continue for his second straight year in Junior class.
As for the youngest category, the drivers who will compete in Mini are French’s Jules Caranta and Jimmy Helias, together with Cui Yuanpu, American James Egozi and William MacIntyre from United Kingdom.
This season like the previous years, Tony Kart and Ferrari Driver Academy will keep their partnership, with the aim to select new talents for a higher motorsport categories.
Regarding which chassis are the one that will race, in OKJ, OK and KZ/KZ2 categories there is no doubt that our drivers will have at their disposition the Racer 401 R chassis. Meanwhile in Mini class, the chassis available will be the Rookie EV. All of them, powered by Vortex.

2019 Drivers:
Marco Ardigò (ITA) – KZ Category
Matteo Viganò (ITA) – KZ Category
Simo Puhakka (FIN) – KZ Category
Alessio Piccini (ITA) – KZ Category

Sebastian Montoya (COL) – OK Category
Sami Meguetounif (FRA) – OK Category
Rasmus Joutsimies (FIN) – OK Category
Li Mingyang (CHN) – OK Category
Matheus Morgatto (BRA) – OK Category

Nikita Bedrin (RUS) – OKJ Category
Josep Maria Martí (SPA) – OKJ Category

Yuanpu Cui (CHN) – Mini Category
Jimmy Elias (FRA) – Mini Category
Jules Caranta (FRA) – Mini Category
William MacIntyre (GBR) – Mini Category
James Egozi (USA) – Mini Category 


FIA Karting Race Calendar:

April 21, 2019 Angerville (FRA)
FIA Karting European Championship, 1stRound
FIA Karting European Junior Championship, 1stRound

May 5, 2019 Wackersdorf (DEU)
FIA Karting European KZ Championship, 1stRound
FIA Karting European KZ2 Championship, 1stRound
FIA Karting Academy Trophy, 1stRound

May 19, 2019 Genk (BEL)
FIA Karting European Championship, 2ndRound
FIA Karting European Junior Championship, 2ndRound

June 2, 2019 Kristianstad (SWE)
FIA Karting European Championship, 3rdRound
FIA Karting European Junior Championship, 3rdRound

June 16, 2019 Sarno (ITA)
FIA Karting European KZ Championship, 2ndRound
FIA Karting European KZ2 Championship, 2ndRound
FIA Karting Academy Trophy, 2ndRound

July 21, 2019 Le Mans (FRA)
FIA Karting European Championship, 4thRound
FIA Karting European Junior Championship, 4thRound

September 8, 2019 Alahärmä (FIN)
FIA Karting World Championship
FIA Karting World Junior Championship

September 22, 2019 Lonato (ITA)
FIA Karting World KZ Championship
FIA Karting International Super Cup for KZ2
FIA Karting Academy Trophy, 3rdround 

WSK Race Calendar:

1stRd – February 3rd, 2019 (Italy) Adria (60 Mini – OKJ – OK)
2ndRd – February 24th, 2019 (Italy) Lonato (60 Mini – OKJ – OK- KZ2)
3rdRd – March 10th, 2019 (Italy) La Conca (60 Mini – OKJ – OK)
4thRd – March 24th, 2019 (Italy) Sarno (60 Mini – OKJ – OK- KZ2)

1st Rd – March 31st, 2019 (Italy) Sarno (60 Mini – OKJ – OK- KZ2)
2ndRd – April 28th, 2019 (Italy) Angerville (60 Mini – OKJ – OK)
3rdRd – June 23rd, 2019 (Italy) Lonato (60 Mini – OKJ – OK- KZ2)
4thRd – June 30th, 2019 (Italy) Adria (60 Mini – OKJ – OK)

1stRd – October 27th, 2019 (Italy) Lonato (60 Mini – OKJ – OK- KZ2)
2ndRd – November 10th, 2019 (Italy) Castelletto (60 Mini – OKJ – OK)

November 17th, 2019 Adria (Italy) (60 Mini – OKJ – OK – KZ2)

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