Kart CRG: Last places for the 24 hours karting of Italy

Published on Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Kart CRG: Last places for the 24 hours karting of Italy

The 2020 edition of the 24 Hours Karting of Italy, scheduled in Adria on October 17th-18th, will be a particular edition, necessarily influenced by the Covid that won’t allow many foreigner teams to take part to the race. Travelling limitations and quarantine imposed by many countries are impeding about 15 European and Asian teams to come to Italy this year. Nevertheless, over 30 teams will fight for the win in the most charming race of the Rental – Endurance world.

At about 20 days from the event, there are 32 registered teams (in the last 2 editions they were 40) with a predominance of Italian teams and other ones might add to the entry list in the next days. The event will take place respecting anti-Covid rules as established by the Italian Federation and all the teams will have to respect the safety measures (limited access to the driver change area, technical areas and use of face masks). But it won’t lack amusement and show on track in both categories: “pro” and “silver”.

The format is the successful “All inclusive” one managed by CRG, that will provide the teams with new Centurion Karts equipped with Honda 390cc engines, with the Racing Team’s technical assistance. Many services will be available for the teams, as comfortable boxes and hotel rooms above the pit lane. In the end, the organization work will be extraordinary (with over 40 people at work) and the promotion as well, with a long live streaming of the race.

Click here for Entry form or the Regulation.

For further information, please contact alex@kartcrg.com


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