Mr Schielein, you recently represented the DEKM at the International Kart Exhibition in Offenbach. What was the response from visitors?
Oliver Schielein: The trade visitors showed great interest in the German Electric Kart Championship [DEKM]. Registrations for the new season are in full swing at and we hope that our great progress – in particular in the technical field – will convince many young drivers to join our series.
What exactly will change on the technical side?
This is our third season and we will be racing with the completely new “Project E20” e-kart. The hard work of our technical partner BRP-Rotax has resulted in more power, longer driving times and a lower weight – everything a racer wants.
Have there already been test runs with the new e-kart?
The “Project E20” was already tested during the Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals in Sarno (ITA) last year. The added power really came through on the track. The drivers will really enjoy the new karts in the upcoming DEKM season.
What else can the drivers look forward to in the new edition?
The champion will once again be supported by our partner Porsche Motorsport with various training programs. In addition, they will have the opportunity to test the Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 for a day in cooperation with Allied-Racing.

Which challenges does the 2020 race calendar bring for the drivers?
As before, we will have five DEKM events. The first four races will take place during events of the German Kart Championship (DKM). The final race will be in Wackersdorf again, with the Rotax MAX Challenge Euro Trophy. The race in Mülsen is new on the calendar. Arena E is the newest kart track in Germany. The planners did a great job and created a brilliant track with an excellent infrastructure.
DEKM race calendar 2020
tba – Official test days
May 8 – 10, 2020 – Ampfing / DKM
June 5 – 7, 2020 – Wackersdorf / DKM
July 17 – 19, 2020 – Kerpen / DKM
August 28 – 30, 2020 – Mülsen / DKM
September 4 – 6, 2020 – Wackersdorf / RMCET