2021 IAME Winter Cup Important Information

Published on Tuesday, January 5, 2021

2021 IAME Winter Cup Important Information

The RGMMC race year will kick off at Internacional Circuito Lucas Guerrero in Valencia for the 4th edition of the 2021 IAME Winter Cup, 04/07 February, for X30 Mini, Junior and Senior. Entries are now open and link can be found on www.iameeuroseries.com Official closing date for this event is 12 January.

Click here to sign in

The weekend prior to this event the circuit will be available for free practice.  If you wish to pre-order test tires for this weekend ONLY please contact christian@rgmmc.com – he will be in attendance to distribute the tires. This event is registered on the CIK/FIA International calendar and is classed as an “elite” sport. If you require an “Invitation Letter” from either RGMMC or RFEDA to help with travel please advise by email – info@x30euro.com

A useful link to check the status of EU countries is via the European Commission website.

Click here to go to eu re-open

During all 2021 events, it will be mandatory to present a negative covid-19 test (no older than 96 hours) at the entrance of the paddock until further notice. Paddock gates will open Tuesday 2 February 09.00.  Those teams/drivers arriving weekend prior to the event DO NOT erect any awnings until you have been allocated a space either by Lucas or Christian. 

If you need any further information do not hesitate to contact them on info@x30euro.com or lynn@rgmmc.com


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