Bas Kaligis / Thursday, January 30, 2020 / Categories: CIKFIA The Mini now has international technical regulations As planned, the CIK-FIA has proceeded with the homologation of the chassis, bodywork, brakes, engines, ignition systems, carburettors, intake silencers and tyres for the Group 3 Mini equipment. This approval has been effective since 1st January 2020. The aim is to provide a common technical framework that can be relied on by the ASNs for the different categories dedicated to young Drivers in many countries. "I think it is a very positive step to have homologated the Mini equipment," said Felipe Massa, CIK-FIA President. "I look forward to seeing as many ASNs as possible following these new rules. It is important to train the youngest Drivers in a similar way all over the world. I hope that those countries that have not yet developed a Mini class will take the opportunity to do so by using standardised equipment to put their young Drivers on an equal footing and encourage them to continue on to international classes.” The CIK-FIA has not planned to give the Mini category an international sporting framework, notably because there is no international licence for Drivers before the age of 12 (reached during the year). The Mini categories are intended to remain on a national level. Previous Article 2019 FIA Karting best-of: 2019 season Next Article Frequently asked questions for the IAME Winter Cup Print 2738 Rate this article: 5.0 Tags: Felipe MassaCIK-FIA PresidentMiniCIK-FIA homologation chassisbodyworkbrakesenginesignition systemscarburettorsintake silencerstyresGroup 3 Mini equipmentASNs Comments Please login or register to post comments.