Significant participation growth as karting emerges from lockdown

Bas Kaligis 0 1383 Article rating: No rating

Karting Australia events across the Country continue to thrive as the karting community tackles the ‘Road out of Lockdown’. For those States that have been consistently able to hold events in a COVIDSafe Environment throughout July and August, participation numbers have increased 23% on the corresponding period in 2019.

Karting Australia’s Club level karting roars back to life after lockdown

Bas Kaligis 0 1014 Article rating: No rating

Karting Australia’s Licence holders are flocking back to their local circuits as Club Level racing kicks back into gear across the country. The Northern Territory and Western Australia were the first two regions to host Club events last month, over the past couple of weeks Victoria, South Australia and more recently New South Wales and Queensland have returned to racing.

Karting South Australia is back on track

Bas Kaligis 0 1212 Article rating: No rating

Over the past six weeks, Karting Australia has continually worked closely with State Associations and Clubs across the country to ensure the sport gets back on track as soon as possible. Earlier this week, Karting Australia released a five-stage return to the ‘new normal’ and we’re pleased to advise that two Clubs are ready to go at Stage 1 – Small Scale Social Karting.

Karting Australia maps the road out - from COVID-19 Lockdown to Full Competition Karting

Bas Kaligis 0 2934 Article rating: No rating

Karting Australia has today released a five-stage map of the ‘Road Out’ for the sport across the country. The first step will see, when State Governments allow, limited numbers of Licence Holders back on track at each Club, not racing but in organised social karting designed to get members back to the Track.