An incident stopped Federer run in DKM’s KZ2 at Genk. Trefilovs dominant in KZ2 Cup, Bernardotto fifth

Bas Kaligis 0 6957 Article rating: No rating

Federer has been involved in an incident at the start of one heat in the fourth round of DKM and this prevented him from taking part in the two finals in Genk. Trefilovs won again in KZ2 Cup, while Bernardotto got on the podium with a great P5. 

Bitter-sweet Italian ACI Karting Championship for Maranello Kart in Sarno

Bas Kaligis 0 4471 Article rating: No rating

Maranello Kart lived a bitter-sweet racing weekend in Sarno at the third round of the Italian ACI Karting Championship. Francesco Iacovacci has always been among the quickest at the International Circuit Napoli over the weekend. Iacovacci claimed a great P4 in KZ2’s race-1, but an incident in race-2 slowed his title quest down and now he is third at only 27 points from the leader. Great double win for Trefilovs and SRP Racing Team in KZ2 at the Adac Kart Masters in Oschersleben.