Rok Cup Euro - Super Awards

Bas Kaligis 0 16927 Article rating: No rating

The European Rok challenge will see all the Rok categories at the start for a contest between the best European Rokkers. The European Challenge will be held over two days, July 17-18, on the beautiful Cheb Kartarena, a track located in the Czech Republic, a few kilometers from the border with Germany.

Where is Rok Cup running in 2021?

Bas Kaligis 0 2157 Article rating: No rating

The calendar is ready now and we are glad to announce where and when the Rok Cup will be run in 2021. The calendar includes 7 Rok Cup Italia races, in which all categories will be present, and three races of the Campionato Italiano ACI-Rok for Rok Senior and Rok Junior alongside the Mini Rok class with a dedicated trophy.