Livestream of the WSK Euro Series Night Event at the Adria Karting Raceway

Bas Kaligis 0 3509 Article rating: No rating

The International karting night got underway. This is the final moment for the classification that, thanks to the powerful floodlights of the Adria Karting Raceway, will get the final battles of WSK Euro Series literally under the spotlight. A total of 160 drivers from 37 different countries will be present for this race.

Livetiming and results of the Third round in WSK Euro Series at Lonato (I)

Heert-Jan van Keulen 0 10428 Article rating: 5.0

WSK Euro Series all set for a great weekend in Lonato (I): the penultimate round of categories OK, OKJ and 60 Mini and closer for KZ2 to take place from june 20th to 23rd.This event is valid as the 2nd round of ACI Sport Italian OK and OKJ Ch’ship. Live streaming on Sunday 23rd.