Parolin Motorsport Srl: First race and first victory already!

Bas Kaligis 0 926 Article rating: No rating

The Parolin Motorsport team played a major role in the WSK Champions Cup in Adria and intends to remain a strong team throughout the year. Competitive in all categories, the Italian team won the OK-Junior Final with the promising Emirati Rashid Al Dhaheri, while the return of an official Parolin-TM Racing team in KZ2 resulted in a remarkable performance by Francesco Celenta. In the icing on the cake, the Parolin chassis won in 60 Mini thanks to the Dutchman René Lammers from the Baby Race Academy team.

WSK Euro Series in Lonato: Prefinals in Live Streaming after the remaining heats on Saturday

Bas Kaligis 0 1532 Article rating: No rating

After all the 24 heats of Round 3 that will end on Saturday, September 19th, Prefinals will follow and can be seen with live streaming. All the finals of Round 2&3 of categories KZ2, OK, OKJ and MINI will then follow on Sunday, September 20th. 

The protagonists of qualifying for Round 2 of WSK Euro Series came to the fore in Lonato. Heats for Round 3 to start on Friday.

Bas Kaligis 0 1510 Article rating: No rating

The double round of WSK Euro Series is heading towards its final stages. The heats of Round 2 being ended, time has come for those of Round 3 that will see KZ2, OK, OKJ and MINI on track. 

The long challenge of WSK Euro Series that is valid also for the Italian ACI Sport titles of OK and OK-Junior has started

Bas Kaligis 0 1654 Article rating: No rating

In the tenth year of WSK Euro Series, the championship will be decided by the double appointment of Round 2 and Round 3 for KZ2, OK, OKJ and MINI. Qualifying practice and the initial heats named the first protagonists for the titles hunt.