Impressive levels of speed on the debut of Team Leclerc by Lennox Racing

Bas Kaligis 0 3038 Article rating: No rating

A lot of positive feedback and valuable experience are what Team Leclerc by Lennox Racing takes home from its debut race at the Adria Karting Raceway, in Round 1 of the WSK Super Master Series. The final results were not exactly what they expected, but there were plenty of positive aspects: the familiarity with the Charles Leclerc by Birel chassis and the TM Racing engines will increase over time, as will the understanding in such a young team, with several drivers having joined the group only recently.

Luigi Coluccio makes a strong impression with his Birel ART

Bas Kaligis 0 8114 Article rating: No rating

During the first round of the FIA ​​Karting European Championship, the Birel ART Racing team was eager to show that the work done during the races at the beginning of the season had paid off. With Luigi Coluccio and Marijn Kremers in OK, as well as with Lorenzo Ressico D'Aloisio and Thomas Ten Brinke in OK-Junior, the Birel ART-TM karts enabled the young drivers of the team to reveal excellent potential during the Finals. At Sarno, the gains they made certainly deserved a bigger points haul.