Bart Luijkx / Friday, April 17, 2020 / Categories: News Rok Euro Cup postponed to 2021 The first edition of the Rok Euro Cup will be held in 2021. Due to the current health emergency and to the restrictions caused by this situation, the Rok Euro Cup 2020 is cancelled. With regret the Rok Cup Staff, after the cancellation of the German round in Ampfing (2-3 May), is forced to cancel the Rok Euro Cup second round too, scheduled at the Adria Karting Raceway (1-2 August). The current health emergency is involving all European countries and preventing teams from moving freely and quietly through Europe. For this reason we consider it impossible to organize a European Rok Cup withouth having the possibility and the pleasure to attend a challenge among Rokkers coming from different countries. The Rok Euro Cup is just postponed to next season – dates and tracks to the defined. Previous Article Kartsport Canada releases 2020 regulations Next Article Enthralling climax to Motorsport UK Karting Esports Finale Print 1728 Rate this article: No rating Tags: AdriaAmpfingRok Euro Cup Comments Please login or register to post comments.