Bas Kaligis / Friday, February 15, 2019 / Categories: International Live-timing and results 2019 Lonato Winter Cup at South Garda Karting The 24th Lonato Winter Cup scored record numbers again as it will have 319 drivers entered in KZ2, OK, OK-Junior and Mini Rok. The protagonists and the program of the events that will end on Sunday February 17th. The Winter Cup, race to be held in Lonato del Garda (Brescia, Italy), is all set for another important event, with 319 drivers from all over the world entered in this 24th edition. These record numbers confirm the importance of this race which marks the opening of the International season. Qualifying starts on Friday follwing bij the First heats, on Saturday more heatracing and Sunday will be finalsday. For the results click here. Follow the live-timing below here: Previous Article Alex Irlando’s season gets underway in Lonato for the 24th Winter Cup Next Article The CRG Racing Team season starts with the 24TH Winter Cup Print 24435 Rate this article: 4.3 Tags: KZ2OKWinter CupOK-JuniorMini RokLonato del Garda24th Lonato Winter CupBrescia Comments Please login or register to post comments.