Important Message to Karting Australia Members – Coronavirus Management

Bas Kaligis 0 2000 Article rating: No rating

In light of recent and rapid developments regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) I want to update you on several matters related to this virus that is affecting the world. Karting Australia on the advice of our Chief Medical Officer will be leading the response to Covid-19 for our sport. We will do so with our Member States and we will be expecting our Member States to lead their Clubs consistent with the approach that we will be taking.

The new 2020 WSK calendar

Bas Kaligis 0 2100 Article rating: 5.0

The races in the WSK 2020 calendar that were postponed for the Coronavirus emergency have been re-positioned, but confirmation is still pending: WSK Super Master Series will take place on May 3rd in La Conca and May 24th in Sarno, WSK Euro Series on June 7th in Lonato, July 26th in Adria and August 2nd in Sarno.
