ACI Karting Commission President Emanuele Pirro's point before the restart of the activity

Bart Luijkx 0 1645 Article rating: No rating

At work to restart the karting activities as soon as possible, a medical protocol has been devised to run the events following the rules. The new Italian ACI Karting 2020 calendar has been defined. The message from Emanuele Pirro, President of ACI Karting Commission, on the situation for a prompt restart of the activity following the latest Decree-Law and the work done by the Federation in the past few days marked again by the sanitary emergency in Italy.

USPKS and Route 66 Sprint Series To Provide Updated 2020 Schedule

Bart Luijkx 0 1400 Article rating: No rating

To say that the COVID-19 pandemic has turned the US and the world upside down would be an understatement.  The USPKS posts the following about the near future: "We hope you are all safe and healthy, and patiently waiting just like we are. We want our racers, staff, and attendees to be safe, but to also not be in fear.  We want them to have fun at the track, and not be looking over their shoulder the entire time.  To that end, we would prefer to delay the start of our racing season a little longer, so that when we do get together, we do it in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere.  We don’t need to race just yet, so if waiting a little longer makes it easier to put on a better, more well attended race where people are comfortable and happy, then so be it.  We have consulted with numerous racers, track officials, series sponsors, and other stakeholders in the process, and it’s almost unanimous, that delaying the start of the 2020 racing seasons for both USPKS and Route 66 until at after July 1st, will be worth it.  So, any races scheduled for prior to July 1st, are postponed."

Karting South Australia is back on track

Bas Kaligis 0 1251 Article rating: No rating

Over the past six weeks, Karting Australia has continually worked closely with State Associations and Clubs across the country to ensure the sport gets back on track as soon as possible. Earlier this week, Karting Australia released a five-stage return to the ‘new normal’ and we’re pleased to advise that two Clubs are ready to go at Stage 1 – Small Scale Social Karting.
