Karting Australia’s Club level karting roars back to life after lockdown

Bas Kaligis 0 1076 Article rating: No rating

Karting Australia’s Licence holders are flocking back to their local circuits as Club Level racing kicks back into gear across the country. The Northern Territory and Western Australia were the first two regions to host Club events last month, over the past couple of weeks Victoria, South Australia and more recently New South Wales and Queensland have returned to racing.

Suleiman Zanfari enters the Spanish F4 Championship

Bas Kaligis 0 1662 Article rating: No rating

A 15-year-old Moroccan hopeful, Suleiman has shone in karting on most international circuits. His official debut in F4 was disrupted, like all motorsport, by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, the horizon is now opening up with the implementation of a new programme in the Spanish F4 Championship within Team GRS.
