Champions of the Future battle goes on in the heat of Spain!

Bas Kaligis 0 787 Article rating: No rating

This year’s great start to the series continued in Spain, with two enormous fields in the two categories battling it on in the heat of Zuera, seeing many leaders, with some surprises adding to the established names! Another fantastic event took place in the Circuito Internacional de Zuera, in Spain, under clear blue skies and temperatures reaching 37C, with the two OK categories reaching record numbers of attendance.

James Wharton Objective: to finish the European Championship on a high note

Bas Kaligis 0 696 Article rating: No rating

The 2021 FIA Karting European Championship in the OK category is about to come to an end from 23rd to 25th July in Zuera, Spain. The organisation of a major international event on this same circuit, just one week before, represented a full-scale rehearsal that should not be missed.
