Energy hits the jackpot in Las Vegas

Bas Kaligis 0 821 Article rating: No rating

Very well established thanks to the efforts of importer Nash Motorsportz, Energy Corse enjoys an excellent reputation on the American continent. Success is never far away for the Italian brand, which has just achieved magnificent performances at the famous Supernationals in Las Vegas, including a victory in the KA100 Senior and a 2nd place in X30 Senior.

Friday Live Stream:Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals 2022 at the Portimão Circuit

Bas Kaligis 0 1166 Article rating: 1.3

Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals 2022 has kicked off and 396 enthusiastic Rotax competitors from over 60 countries, plus their technicians, teams and supporters, are ready for the ultimate showdown of the season. Wohoo ... today it's pre-finals day. What you can expect from the Live Stream today? Thrilling action on the track - the drivers are competing for the best starting positions for the Finals. Live Stream starts at 11:00 local time.

Thursday Live Stream:Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals 2022 at the Portimão Circuit

Bas Kaligis 0 1161 Article rating: 5.0

Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals 2022 has kicked off and 396 enthusiastic Rotax competitors from over 60 countries, plus their technicians, teams and supporters, are ready for the ultimate showdown of the season. The Live Stream starts with the Heats 2 & 3 of all categories at 10:15 local time. Who will have the pole position at the Pre-Finals on Friday?
